SOCIAL JUSTICE - unit 9 #tnpscnotes


social justice

Until the late 20th century, most philosophical discussions of justice and equality were
limited in scope to a single society. Even Rawls’s theory of justice, for example, had nothing to
say about the distribution of wealth between societies.

In the 1990s philosophers began to think about the moral implications of the vast
inequality in wealth between the leading industrialized countries and the countries of the
developing world, some of which were afflicted with widespread famine and disease.
The German – born philosopher
Thomas Pogge argued that affluent countries are
responsible for increasing the poverty of developing countries and thus for causing millions of
deaths annually.

What do you mean by Social Justice?

The negative values which are made by the society results in inequality and clavation
among people.
Gender inequality may be quite natural, if looked upon superficially. All along the
centuries, women were subjugated and exploited without an opportunity which portrays
them as weaker section.
Blacks were discouraged and kept aside as knowledge less. This situation continued for
many centuries and factualised against the black community.

In India

Same situation prevails also in India. Many people were refused opportunities on the
basis of caste and it is believed as natural one in the society.
Social power is the dominant phenomenon which leads to cut-throat competition and
ends in absolute control of the subjects.
It is in order to protect the social identity, the dominant communities endeavour to
capture the power sector. Among different communities in a plural society, dominance
of a single group is considered as unfair and unjust.
The dominant groups activate racial, religious, caste, lingual and cultural feelings and
intend to misuse the social rights of other groups that may end in permanent hostility
between different groups.
The struggle that is undertaken by the weaker groups in order to react for establishing
equal society is known to be social Justice.

Background of Social Hierarchy

The ancient Indian civilization had evolved with the “Varnashrama Dharma” which kickstarted the principle of hierarchy i.e. Upper and Lower strata.

The Varna system is also called as “Four Varna System” by which people were divided as
Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vysyas and Shudras.
This division on the basis of birth has been in calculated and socialized along different
phases of civilization from which inequalities surfaced in the society.

Article 15 (4) of Indian Constitution

Article 29 (2) may not act as an obstacle in making special policy decisions for socially
and educationally backward communities or SC/ST people.

Article 16(4) of Indian Constitution

This will not prevent any sort of appointment or reservation among backward
communities, if sufficient representation is not provided.

India is a sub-tropical, sub-continent with varied geographical atmosphere. People speak
different languages and follow unique hereditary values.

Albeit of these factors, inequality is existing due to the Varna System. It is in order to
advance and develop the socio – economic conditions of the downtrodden communities;
Indian constitution is having its ideal guidelines with strong structural foundation.
According to Indian Constitution, states which are having low technological
development or inadequate natural resources can make their own special policies for
holistic advancement.

In accordance with the existing constitutional provisions, the down trodden and under
privileged communities were provided with special laws and privileges in all the states.

Ides like all inclusive development and self-sufficient societal growth highly hinges upon
social justice along with special arrangements for the marginalized sections.

Equal opportunity is the process and social arrangement by which social democracy can
sustain and pluralism will be strengthened.

In such a society different groups of religion, race and other factors can live with their
social identity, tolerance and shared power.

European vs Indian Society

Economic condition and status is one among the reason for the wedge created in the
European society. Whereas in India, the division is on the basis of Purushasukta of
Rigveda and particularly Four Varna System. This Varna System prevents individuals
from their exercise of rights and values.
Indian constitution in this regard is implementing all its supervisory mechanisms and
also is delivering distributive justice which is the motto of the largest democracy.
This justice intended to weed out the caste distinction (Varna System) and to establish
equal society in India.

Equality is essential for Social Justice

People accept equality as an essential phenomenon but still inequality and
discrimination are serving as distributing factors.
Inequality prevails in almost all spheres like opportunities, comforts and working

This kind of inequality and discrimination is not only happening in India, but also at
global level which creates stir in the minds of the people. It is for this reason, social
equality stood in primary place in the socio-political principles.

Need of special privileges

If poor children were not provided with adequate education and proper health care, we
are raising hue and cry.

We give our voice for justice. First we should understand that if person is treated with
great respect on the basis of his caste, language or race, we may not tolerate the

If opportunity is denied along with social identity, that is absolute injustice in a society.
This creates inequality among the people.

Regardless of caste, gender, religion and other differences, people should be provided
with appropriate opportunities to prove their talent and capacities in the individual life.

Individuals should receive respect and reputation on the basis of their achievements and

It should not be on the basis of social identities. Inequalities and discriminatory practices
which prevail in the society are artificial and are known as prejudices.

Just Distribution

Governments can and will enact laws to facilitate the just distribution of resources to
individuals with in a society.

Laws simply pave the way for the fair distribution of resources. Law enforcing agencies
may have to monitor the process of the distribution itself. This is the ideal situation.

A country like ours where socio-cultural inequalities are well entrenched, a law for fair
distribution will not automatically ensure just distribution of resources.

Governments will have to ensure a level playing filed in order to establish Justice.

Since our constitution has abolished untouchability and other caste based discriminatory
practices, both the state and the legislature would have to ensure the creation of such a
level playing field.

Thus, the Government which swears in the name of protecting our constitution has the
obligation of ensuring one of the finest promises of our constitution itself – bringing in
equality to our society.

Therefore, it is legal, constitutional and moral on the part of the government to create a
level playing ground for all its citizens especially those who have been historically denied
basic rights.

This level playing field or what we popularly call ‘equal opportunity’ must not be treated
either as charity or as philanthropic gesture of the government.

It is the obligation on the part of the government to treat people differently in order to
ensure Justice; more importantly it is a fundamental right enshrined in the constitution
for disadvantaged people to seek legal, constitutional remedy.

Similarly, level playing ground is aimed at creating equal opportunity only in education
and employment opportunities for the disadvantaged communities.

Many especially people from the so called upper echelon of the society tend to think of
treating people differently in order to ensure just distribution effectively amounts to

This opinion slowly and steadily invokes strong passion and at times results in violence
too. The fear of losing educational and employment opportunities among the privileged
communities was steadily growing as the government planned to ‘reserve’ seats for
people from marginalized and underprivileged communities as part of its equal
opportunity plan.

Merit Vs Reservation

The idea of ‘merit’ would be invoked by the privileged sections of our country to argue
that any attempt, to ‘reserve’ seats for the underprivileged people would strongly
damage merit based output of our education system; thus it would subsequently affect
the professional abilities of the candidates.

John Rawls Theory of Justice

John Rawls is considered as one of the finest political philosophers of 20th century. He
development the theory of Justice based on the paradigm called Justice as Fairness.

His framework treats all personal attributes as being morally arbitrary, therefore Justice
for him demands equality. For him ‘all social values including liberty, opportunity,
income, wealth, self-respects are to be distributed equally.

Rawls argues that if we do not know where we will be and what options would be
available for us in the future society, we will most likely support a decision on the rules and
organizations of that future society which would be fair for all members. When we are quite
uncertain about our future, we like to facilitate an order in which all members would get a fair

This moment Rawls describes as thinking under a ‘Veil of Ignorance’, We are ignorant
about our possible position and status in society, each person would decide the way they
generally do – trying to have optimum self interest in the new society. But surprisingly no one
knows exactly who he/she would be and what is going to benefit him/her.

Do you know?

Migrated people are also having certain rights in the alien nations.
Refugees, migrated and exiled are also exercising vital rights.
The member nations of UN recognized those vital rights.

Socio – Cultural Equality

In the diversified society, people from different groups may practice their cultural values,
habitual factors and improve individual talents. For this to happen, equality in society is an
essential criterion. Every individual should be assured of fair opportunity in the society. To a
large extent, unequal atmosphere should be wiped out for attaining liberal society.

Actions must be taken at least to reduce the unequal circumstances. For instance, a good
healthcare, education, nutritious food stuffs, minimum emoluments are the basic needs to be
provided to all without discrimination. Without these basic facilities, we may not call a society
as egalitarian one.

What are the main issues of our Nation?

Beliefs and practices on the basis of caste and religion are dastardly obstacles. In many
parts of India, the status of women is at lower level – education, employment, right to property
are refused to women.

Economic Equality

Economic equality can be identified by individual’s income and the value of property, he
posses in a society. Otherwise, the gap between rich people community and poor may indicate
the status of economic equality.

“Humans respected on the basis of caste which he belongs to, is barbarian and antihuman thinking”, exclaimed E.V.Ramaswamy alias Periyar in Tamil Nadu. He out-rightly
condemned the cultural practices, habitual follow-ups and other so called values which refutes
equality in all its aspects. Periyar also was against “Patriarchal Chauvinism” which subjugated
women all along the history.

That society is best which got rid of caste, religion, gender and suppressive habitual
practices”, lamented Periyar. Modern society cannot be sanctified by the people who cling
towards the language and discriminatory cultural practices. Apart from Periyar, various saints,
seers and philosophers took strenuous efforts to have egalitarian society. People who enjoyed
all kind of privileges on the basis of dynasty, birth and descent so far has to come to end.

Determining an individual’s capacity on accordance with the birth is the primary and precarious
feature of the unequal society.

All are equal and individual’s capacity, if decided on the basis of merit, is the first step
towards equal society. So far, number of modern nations refused to provide voting rights for the
poor people. There are nations which restricts women education and public offices in the 21

In India, lower starts people are permitted to work only in the clerical and other benefitless offices. They were not permitted to occupy higher positions, because of their caste identity.
Individuals and organization for the past centuries made onerous efforts to curb out in equal
menace from the society.

Reservation policy is a good initiative from the part of government in delivering equal
justice. People, who were denied of education and employment opportunities so far, were
provided with reservation for uplifting the condition and status.

Discriminatory practices which were followed for long time in the historical phases may
not be curbed out in a short span. Expecting the change within one of two generations is an
utopian faith, stated researchers. If reforms happened in short time, it will be a good sign for
the development of the entire nation.

Social Justice and Equality

All civilizations were equipped with the awareness of their practices. The accepted
practices are “Dharma” and the negative is “Adharma”. Those people who breach these practices
will be punished by the king. Mistakes and related punishments are quite natural in all the

Greek philosopher Plato and his disciples often debate and discuss about justice and its
practices. Discourses and teachings or Socrates consists of anti-justice people and their impact
in the society. Justice and fairness may do only good things in a society. If justice do favour for
certain individuals, that may not be considered and called as justice.
Justice is all about the entire development and advancement of a society. Fair justice is
applicable to all the people in a society, claimed Socrates. We may infer from the above said
arguments that reservation is the fair justice provided to the people, who were hitherto
discriminated and exploited.

Proportional Justice

The social justice provided by our Indian constitution to the depressed and downtrodden
communities is a helping hand for their development and advancement.
Caste hierarchy is the primary reason for inequality in our nation. Hence on the basis of
the caste hierarchy, social justice has to be maintained / must be maintained. In categorization,
we are having backward caste, most backward caste, scheduled caste and scheduled tribe for
whom; governments’ policies are distributed accordingly

First Commission for backward community was established on 1953.
Kaka Kalelkar was the first head of this Commission in Independent India.

Discrimination – Social Basis Theory

What discrimination means is that out grouping their own members from the
membership of their group or ban their members from accessing natural resources. Indeed,
wealth is an important matter.

Empirical studies confirm that persons with a low sense of social recognition display
more out-group devaluation and group – focused enmity based on an ideology of human

Affirmative Action

The principle of affirmative action is to promote societal equality through the
preferential treatment of sociality and economically disadvantages people.
Often, these people are disadvantaged for historical reasons, such as oppression or
slavery. Support for affirmative action has sought to achieve a range of goals, bridging
inequalities in employment and pay; increasing access to education; enriching state,
institutional, and professional leadership with the full spectrum of society; redressing apparent
past wrongs, harms, or hindrances and in particular addressing the apparent social imbalance
left in the wake of slavery and slave laws.

For example, a 2017 study found that affirmative action in the United States of America
“there is an increase in the share of black employees over time: in 5 years after an establishment
is first regulated.

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